Broad Spectrum Development Intuitive Incubation & Implementation.
The Center for Incubation & Findings Research (CIFR) is a division of Compassion Center, a 501(c)(3) public charity organization founded in 2001 [FEIN: 27-0014579] to provide patient advocacy, professional education and healthcare innovations that serve underserved patients. In 2018, Compassion Center founded CIFR as a mostly autonomous division of Compassion Center to incubate solutions on behalf of patients.
About CIFR
The Compassion Center was originally founded on comforting the sick and empowering an aging generation during their roughest and toughest of times through professional education, patient advocacy and healthcare innovations that serve categorically complex, terminally ill and underserved populations.
The Center for Incubation & Findings Research maintains that tradition by (co)developing and implementing compassionate programs and business models that sustainably empower populations to age gracefully, and naturally. CIFR also incubates and empowers other disruptive solutions geared towards clean-energy, socioeconomics, healthcare, food-security and clean water, and we are just getting started so stay tuned for the latest in CIFR’s future incubations!
Maintaining our founders’ vision and recognizing that education, outreach and awareness are the keys to successful change, Compassion Center established the Center for Incubation & Findings Research (CIFR) to educate, incubate, innovate and implement solutions beyond our internal systems since knowledge is power and sharing is caring. From bleeding edge technologies to fully developed programs and protocols, CIFR disruptively innovates technologies, products and education courses that empower the positive measurable change that we all need to see in our local communities, and abroad. Share the love, today!
Healthcare Management Services consulting
When healthcare is considered to be just as risky as venture capital and cannabis (a brand new market) - understanding the metrics that actually run a clinic or hospital is paramount. Consulting is performed through CIFR, while all Management Services are provided through MSO+, a "sister" division of the Compassion Center specializing in Management Services and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) as a professional service.
Experts in Disruptive Concept-Implementation
CIFR is a business development incubator, and accelerator, specializing in business organization and brand development, strategic analysis, customer acquisition and client retention, and implementation. Industry seasoned consultants range from Research Fellows to Technical Analysts, Professional consultants and more form eight core groups to compose a truly diverse research institution, and companion incubator.
Elevating Advanced Socioeconomic Solutions
CIFR is committed to making a positive difference through research, development, incubation and disruptive innovation - serving categorically complex, terminally ill and underserved patient communities. CIFR is a research, development and incubation partner of the Cannalogix Foundation Research Institute ( and several other institutional and educational partners ranging from academies to universities.
End-end compliance & accountability
CIFR is a division of the Compassion Center, subscribing to a diverse suite of compliance, risk management, accountability, accounting, auditing and investigation policies directed in an effort to improve accountability, transparency and compliance with local, state and federal laws. The Compassion Center's Office of Accountability & Transparency (OAT) is in the direct path of oversight over the CIFR and all of its associations.
CIFR IS International
Center for Incubation & Findings Research (CIFR) has incubators and satellite facilities located all over the globe, but is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada.
CIFR Has the Skills
Since 2001, Compassion Center has been providing unparalleled access to professional education, patient advocacy and medical cannabis recommendations, in addition to (co-)developing some of the most innovative and disruptive technologies in the healthcare and social services spaces to empower the underserved.
Advanced Integrations
CIFR integrates technology, metadata and intuitive automated, and virtual, solutions into a variety of cloud platforms designed to empower the next generation of socioeconomic equality, equity and environmental project development, naturally.
Development Operations
CIFR combines full-stack development with custom coded - and out-of-the-box - software to empower and/or accelerate the implementation of disruptive innovations and streamline processes and services so that solutions can quickly go directly to market.
Professional Management
CIFR maximizes productivity by pairing the highest qualified personnel with the most detail-oriented project managers in an effort to overcome each individual challenge and exceed every established benchmark that they effectively encounter.
Full-Service Incubations
CIFR incubates positive measurable change by combining education with innovation. Beyond normal business support, CIFR goes the extra distance to ensure that each task is performed to the highest standard and is evaluated for efficacy.
Quality, Safety and Compliance
CIFR adheres to industry best practices, and adopts the more stringent of policies related to business incubation to serve the greater good, and is under the supervision and direct oversight of Compassion Center's Office of Accountability & Transparency.
Positive Measurable Results
CIFR works directly with the Compassion Center's Office of Accountability & Transparency to evaluate performance, and impact, regarding the programs, organizations and/or protocols developed by the incubator in an effort to maintain accountability.
Incubation X Innovation = Socioeconomic Equality!
Working with industry leaders, educators and a qualified network of professionals empowers CIFR to incubate, and innovate, on-demand within any space from technology to prototyping and consumer product development: the possibilities are endless. Our PharmD’s and project managers have both pharmaceutical development and pharmacy experience, and our management team is comprised of industry leading subject matter experts ranging from technology, healthcare, education and business to law, finance, fiduciary and compliance. What can CIFR do for you and your vision for a positive and inclusive tomorrow? Get to know the Center for Incubation & Findings Research (CIFR), today!